Mission America

Christian Commentary on the Culture

Compromised Christianity

Do the 10 Commandments Align with Social Emotional Learning?

American educators have a love-fest going with a trend called social emotional learning, SEL. It is suddenly everywhere within the last few years, infused in most parts of a child's daily school


Halloween: Gender Deceivers' Favorite Holiday

(This article is from several years ago yet is even more relevant today) So now even Playboy can’t help itself. A recent centerfold is a deceiver—a man pretending to be a woman. It’s


Top 5 Reasons for Christians to Vote

Once  again, a very important election is upon us,  and as news outlets project much higher than usual turn-out, there are also reports that many Christians will once again fail to show up on


Standing Against Pronoun Interrogation at School

[UPDATE, August 2023: This topic is more critical than ever because of proposed changes to Title IX federal law that the Biden Department of Education may implement this fall. If their unlawful


The Wedding Americans Don't Want to Attend

If you are like most people, you are watching with trepidation the unraveling of our culture’s morality and political infrastructure. Where is authentic justice? Authentic science? A trustworthy


Annetta Small: An Unanticipated Ministry

Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, Nor


Mayor Pete, When It Comes to Kids, Butt Out!

The stage-managing of children for the depraved goals of homosexuality and gender rebellion needs to come to an end, right now. Pete Buttigieg, the South Bend, Indiana mayor running for president,


CANCELLED! Pro Abortion OH Lawmaker Presenting Seminar in Catholic Church

Update: Because of calls to the church and the Diocese of Columbus, the event described below has been CANCELLED at St. Peter Church. Praise God! It will be held, however, at a public library on Feb.


Appeasement Flops Again with "Fairness for All" Act

Here’s something to think about as we go into 2020. Do we want to give an inch to the homosexual bullies trying to take over America? No, and it’s not unfair or unkind to hold the line against


God, Ingratitude and Sexual Sin

It’s that time of year when being grateful rises to the top of our priority list --for most of us, that is.   Sadly, some people are simply ungrateful, and proudly so. When we see the deep


Iowa Incident Reveals Small Town Strategy of "LGBT" Activists

Your library in Mayberry is planning a “drag queen” event. What’s the best way to protest “LGBTQ” activism and child seduction in your small town?   Get ready, America. Local libraries


Candy Canes, Truthful Pronouns and Jesus: Fears that Torment the Left

  You’ve heard of “FOMO”— fear of missing out? It’s the driver of much social media traffic as the perennially insecure seek constant connection and validation.   Well, look out for a


It's No Accident When Children are Drawn to Satanism

You may think you don’t have time to deal with your child’s obsession with astrology, weird Internet games, horror movies or dark-themed music. Or that new book about cool teens who are


‘LGBTQ’ Activists at ‘Devoted’ Youth Pastor Conference

The priest or evangelical minister who claims an “LGBTQ” identity, but pledges to remain celibate, cannot be trusted to do so.   Can I repeat that? We cannot trust them. Such foolish


Camp Followers Endanger the Church

Jonathan is a self-labeled Christian. He listens to CNN every day and never questions that he’s getting a reliable version of the truth.   What’s wrong with this picture?   Jonathan has a


Tell Jimmy Carter about the Damage of Homosexuality

Vicious attacks on Christians? People losing their jobs and businesses? Kids being corrupted? Church communities in total disarray?   What’s not to like about the “LGBTQ” movement in America?


Lost in the Mail: God's Invitation to 'Revoice'

The Lord’s calendar is pretty full most of the time, but still He’s able to hear millions of prayers, lengthy petitions, meet those who are in despair, and hear joyous songs of praise, every hour


The Will of God or the Will of Guy?

I met “gay Christian conservative” Guy Benson a few years back, before he became a Fox News commentator and a rising media personality. Benson revealed his inclinations in a book even as he was


Homosexuality is a Great Witnessing Opportunity

Recently, a friend visited a “social justice” congregation with a sizable young adult audience. She asked one of the pastors what he thought about homosexuality, and his reply was very revealing:


The Top 10 Child Corruption Trends of 2017

As we look back on 2017, how did our children fare? Unfortunately, the risk to America’s youth of deliberate corruption is escalating and along with that, the responsibility of parents and public