MissionAmerica.comSeptember 2016 ed. 03

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Linda Harvey's Book!

Maybe He's Not Gay



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Christian Family Coalition Florida

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Illinois Family Institute

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Mass Resistance

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Virginia Christian Alliance

Virginia Mass Resistance

The Left to Christians: Your Turn in the Closet

Linda Harvey, WND.com

They want us to believe it’s “peaceful coexistence.” Others call it an unjust declaration of war.

The U. S. Commission on Civil Rights (USCCR) just published a scandalous report that scorns authentic Christian faith and recommends severe restrictions of its full expression by American citizens-- expression protected by the First Amendment.

The report, “Peaceful Coexistence: Reconciling Nondiscrimination Principles with Civil Rights,” is another Washington agency telling Christians it’s their turn in the closet. Now that homosexuals and transvestites are “out,” their desires, plans, demands and delusions take priority.

Religious exemptions, the commission report contends, “infringe” on civil rights. But hold on. Chairman Martin Castro in this report unlawfully equates “sexual orientation” and “gender identity” demands to legally-established U.S civil rights. Actual U.S. civil rights’ law bars discrimination about race, color, religion, sex, national origin and disability status.

No law designates homosexuality and gender confusion as federally-protected civil rights. Just like the disguise of a “drag queen,” the rationale for much of this report is a lie.

States that have foolishly passed homosexual and gender rebellion “non-discrimination” laws have their own civil rights’ agencies. Let those states invent bogus recommendations to further restrict citizens’ concerns over mandatory embrace of “LGBT” behaviors, ramping up the use of law as a weapon to fine Christians, get them fired, or close their businesses.

But stop inventing non-existent federal law for these devious goals. Obama, however, probably requested this USCCR report to complete his transformation of America.
Real people in real American life pay the price for such depraved nonsense. There’s a brave Christian employee of the federal government in Illinois, David Hall, who refused to attend workplace “LGBT” indoctrination training and has been suspended without pay from his position.

I wonder what federal statute the USCCR will illegitimately site as his offense?

David Hall works for the Champaign, Illinois office of the Social Security Administration. He refused to watch a 17-minute “training” video that promotes homosexuality and gender confusion. His refusal, according to his statements to the media, was based on his Christian faith.

Why is he suspended? Who did he harm by his personal refusal to be subjected to indoctrination he knows he will disagree with?

Yet some will insist Hall’s exercise of his faith amounts to “discrimination.” Think about that. “Unless you allow us to indoctrinate you, or you agree to remain silent about what you really believe, then YOU are guilty of discrimination!”

ARTICLE continues

I am not quitting. Are you?

Please stand with me to fight the homosexual agenda.
A message from Linda Harvey

President Linda Harvey

I wish the answers were simple, but they are not. We must stay in the battle for the long haul, because so many people today are deceived about the behaviors and identities of homosexuality and gender confusion.

These are grave sins, yet many embrace them. Churches seem indifferent or even, sometimes, welcoming. How can people do this, considering the clear teaching of our Lord in Scripture? Yet they do. It may be that our voices raised in objection, raised with warning, will turn this around.

But we can't guess how God will end this fight. It will end, but when it does, you and I and our children want to be on the right side-- on God's side-- because we have remained faithful.

And so we continue to write, broadcast, and educate. If you would like to support our efforts, I ask that you would make a donation, however large or small, and let us know that our efforts are appreciated.

Mission America
PO Box 21836
Columbus, OH 43221

Thank you and may God bless you.


from Mission America | Linda Harvey, President
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