October 2015 ed. 03missionamerica.com

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Maybe He's Not Gay



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Another Christian Leader Mollifies “LGBT” Lobby

Linda Harvey, WND.com
Photo: Rev. R. Albert Mohler, Jr.

Has the Christian church sinned against homosexuals or those who claim they were born in the wrong sex body?

For that matter, are some people unchangeably “lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgendered”? Christians who follow Scripture will quickly refute claims that excuse these sins. These identities are not natural to the human condition nor to God’s created order.

So why are Christian leaders like Rev. R. Albert Mohler Jr. implying otherwise as they confess the alleged “sins” of the Christian church against these sexual rebels?

Rev. Mohler stated last week in response to a homosexual activist demonstration at the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, where he is president, that, “The Christian church has sinned against the LGBT community by responding to this challenge in a superficial way.” He went on to talk about redemption in Christ but seemed to be dodging the central issue of immoral conduct. He conceded a ton with this apology statement, which surely was greeted with cheers by the protesters.

First, what “LGBT community” is this Christian theologian talking about? Why use homosexual lobbying terms? There is a wicked homosexual political movement, but in God’s eyes, none would be known as “lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered.” Scripture resoundingly condemns these grave offenses. It is extremely disheartening for believers to hear our leaders cave in and use such ungodly, sin-affirming, misleading terms – as if some people are different humans and indeed victims of institutional Christian “bigotry.”

Mohler responded to a small group of homosexual/transgender demonstrators from “Fairness Louisville” protesting a conference at the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary last week. The agitators unleashed one unfounded accusation after another.

ARTICLE continues

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PHOTO: President Linda Harvey speaks at Planned Parenthood protest

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Linda Harvey, President

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