October 2015 ed. 01missionamerica.com

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Linda Harvey's Book!

Maybe He's Not Gay



American Family Association

Americans for Truth

AFA of Pennsylvania

AFA of Michigan

Child Protection League Action

Christian Family Coalition Florida

Citizens for Community Values of Indiana

Citizens for Community Values, Ohio

Concerned Women for America

Defend the Family

Helping Hands Ministries

Illinois Family Institute

Liberty Counsel

Mass Resistance

Parents' Rights in Education

SBM Worldwide, Inc.

Virginia Mass Resistance

Top 10 Pro-Family Actions for Next President

Linda Harvey, WND.com

What should be the top priorities of the next president?

If our next commander in chief is truly a family advocate and a defender of religious liberty, he or she will reject the aggressive, anti-Christian homosexual agenda in all its various dimensions and do everything possible to reverse the damage done under Obama/Biden.

There are other priority lists for our next president that deserve a wide hearing that focus on immigration, national defense, the soaring debt, race relations and at the top, limiting/ending abortion.

But here, I’ll focus on overcoming the radical homosexual activism that threatens to rip our culture apart...

10. Lend no presidential recognition or approval to each year’s June “gay pride” month, unlike the proclamations given to support this movement by Barack Obama. Make sure federal agencies and embassies understand that so-called “pride” events are unwelcome, and no rainbow flags are to fly at embassies or federal buildings. Emblems associated with the promotion of these known unhealthy behaviors are inappropriate. The U.S. should uphold a standard of longevity, health and freedom, not one that exalts the sexual decadence and tyrannical tactics of this aggressive, anti-Christian movement.

9. Revoke Department of Education Office of Civil Rights’ opinions declaring that schools must now apply Title IX to “sexual orientation” and “gender identity” questions in education, and that Title IX should be interpreted as mandating all-gender restrooms, locker rooms and sports teams, as well as local school acceptance of the identities of “sexual orientation” and “gender identity.” Title IX is about sex discrimination– authentic, biological sex– not transvestite protection.

ARTICLE continues

Overcoming the Propaganda in Schools: Linda Harvey's Book for Youth!

Your kids deserve to know the rest of the story.

Is homosexuality, being “gay,” a valid identity? Here's a book that reveals the truth about this flawed and harmful belief.

Written especially for teens and young adults, “Maybe He’s Not Gay” will equip your son or daughter with the whole truth about this controversial issue. Claiming a "gay" identity is never aligned with the will of God and here's how young people can better understand why it's not "hate" to say so.

Visit our Mission America web site. for more information about how to order this book, about our organization and to access lots of articles, news and commentary.

We are thankful for our donors! Please contribute to Mission America, PO Box 21836, Columbus, OH 43221. Thank you and God bless!  

From Mission America
Linda Harvey, President

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Thank you for your prayers and support!