November 2015 ed.

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Linda Harvey's Book!

Maybe He's Not Gay



American Family Association

Americans for Truth

AFA of Pennsylvania

AFA of Michigan

Child Protection League Action

Christian Family Coalition Florida

Citizens for Community Values of Indiana

Citizens for Community Values, Ohio

Concerned Women for America

Defend the Family

Helping Hands Ministries

Illinois Family Institute

Liberty Counsel

Mass Resistance

Parents' Rights in Education

SBM Worldwide, Inc.

Virginia Mass Resistance

Is the American Campus Ripe for ISIS?

Linda Harvey,

The first teargas canister ever thrown at Miami University in Oxford, Ohio, landed 10 feet in front of me on April 15, 1970. By the end of the night, 180 people had been arrested.

I was not among them. Like most of the crowd, I turned and ran. I was only a curious onlooker, not one of the committed Vietnam war protesters occupying the ROTC building.

But the worst consequences of Ohio campus riots wouldn’t come for another three weeks, May 4, at Kent State University, when four students were shot by the Ohio National Guard called in to bring order to protests growing more violent at Ohio colleges each week.

Kent State was a wake-up call. Campus protests slowed to a trickle. Students did not want to die, parents said, “Enough!” and anyway, spring was in the air. By fall 1970, flyers displaying the upraised fist were few and far between.

Students then, like now, were mostly comfortable, well-fed, often supported by parental bank accounts and eager where possible to avoid stress.

But today there’s a difference. While there are still many sensible, responsible college kids, a growing percentage is tragically easy to manipulate, even to accept lunacy – and that presents huge issues.

Today’s irresponsible social media, vile extremism and flat-out ignorance in “higher” education create a dangerous Play-Doh student who can be molded by race baiters, sexual anarchists, anti-capitalists and even worse – terrorists.

ISIS recruiters could come in behind the disturbances at the University of Missouri and other colleges and reap a great harvest, because even their student leaders think the real problem is “hate speech” that makes them feel “unsafe.” Their boiling points are low, because their own distress over imaginary “microaggressions” is high.

ARTICLE continues

The Ideal Christmas Gift for your Teen

Give the gift of truth, reason and godly values

Linda Harvey's highly-acclaimed book, "Maybe He's Not Gay: Another View on Homosexuality" would be the perfect gift for your son or daughter.

Today's constant deluge of propaganda can be very confusing even to the most sensible of our adolescents. This book lays out the common sense, godly truth about what's really the consequence of "LGBT" behaviors and what the future holds if the culture continues down its current experimental road.

For more information about how to order, go

From Mission America
Linda Harvey, President

See our web sites at:

Thank you for your prayers and support!