June 2015 ed. 07missionamerica.com

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Linda Harvey's Book!

Maybe He's Not Gay



American Family Association

Americans for Truth

AFA of Pennsylvania

AFA of Michigan

Child Protection League Action

Christian Family Coalition Florida

Citizens for Community Values of Indiana

Citizens for Community Values, Ohio

Concerned Women for America

Defend the Family

Helping Hands Ministries

Illinois Family Institute

Liberty Counsel

Mass Resistance

Parents' Rights in Education

SBM Worldwide, Inc.

Virginia Mass Resistance

Farewell Reality

Robert R. Reilly, Catholic World Report
PHOTO: The new American "family"?

Justice Kennedy and the other Justices joining him in this decision have violated the principle of non-contradiction and have passed over into insanity

Let us be clear about what has taken place in the Supreme Court decision extending homosexual marriage to the entire nation. Justice Anthony Kennedy has led the Court in affirming a denial of reality and in enshrining darkness as if it were light, blindness as if it were sight.

In this he has been entirely consistent. In the 2003 case, Lawrence v. Texas, he discovered a right to sodomy in the Constitution. Then a year ago, in the U.S. v. Windsor case, he fabricated a right to homosexual marriage that obliterated key sections of the Defense of Marriage Act. Now, he has led the decision in removing any remaining provisions in state constitutions or laws that prevent homosexual marriage because he has discovered the right to such “marriages” in the Constitution – specifically in the 14th amendment (which, interestingly, was ratified by states all of which had prohibitions against sodomy).

Each step of the way has required the consideration of the act of sodomy as morally equivalent to heterosexual coitus and, now finally, to the marital act itself. The Obergefell v. Hodges decision has taken the last step in this chain of logic by sanctifying sodomy as a foundation for marriage.

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I Fear Judgment Befalling America

James Dobson, WND.com

Even though Friday’s re-definition of marriage by the U. S. Supreme Court was anticipated, I have found myself grieving over its implications for my country and for Western civilization itself. This radical decree will have a devastating affect on every dimension of culture.

I grieve most for what it will do to our children, our grandchildren and future generations. They will be taught that right is wrong and wrong is right, and that the teachings of Scripture are unreliable and inaccurate. How outrageous it is that boys and girls barely out of babyhood are already being introduced in some schools to perverse adult behavior.

Soon, public school textbooks throughout the country will be re-written and re-illustrated to conform to today’s ruling. It matters not that these revisions will contradict the beliefs and convictions of their parents. It will soon become the law of the land.

Many more vulnerable kids will grow up in homes with same-sex parents, obviously lacking either masculine or feminine role models. They are the real victims of the Court’s ruling.
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The Obergefell Deception

Steven Fitschen, President, National Legal Foundation

The majority opinion in Obergefell v. Hodges richly deserves the “liar, liar, pants on fire” response it drew from all four dissenting opinions. Perhaps the most shocking thing—strike that—the most non-shocking, yet hubristic thing about the majority opinion is that it dares to tell new lies, while pulling the mask off the old lies of prior opinions. Not that anyone was taken in by the old lies.

In striking down Texas’ sodomy law in Lawrence v. Texas, Justice Kennedy wrote:
"That this law as applied to private, consensual conduct is unconstitutional under the Equal Protection Clause does not mean that other laws distinguishing between heterosexuals and homosexuals would similarly fail under rational basis review. Texas cannot assert any legitimate state interest here, such as national security or preserving the traditional institution of marriage. Unlike the moral disapproval of same-sex relations — the asserted state interest in this case — other reasons exist to promote the institution of marriage beyond mere moral disapproval of an excluded group."
Lawrence v. Texas, 539 U.S. 558, 585 (2003)

Yet, the dissenting Justices seemed skeptical, and sure enough, Lawrence was cited by whoever it was who wrote the majority opinion in Unites States v. Windsor to strike down DOMA. What? Oh, that was Justice Kennedy? I see.

Well, at least he wrote in Windsor that his opinion there and “its holding are confined to those lawful marriages,” i.e., same-sex marriages that states wanted to allow.

But, again, the dissenting Justices seemed skeptical; and now, whoever wrote today’s majority opinion invoked both Lawrence and Windsor in striking one-man-one-woman marriage requirements as unconstitutional. What? Oh, that was Justice Kennedy? I see.

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American College of Pediatricians: “A Tragic Day for America’s Children”

Dr. Susan Berry, Breitbart.com

In a statement released Friday, the president of the American College of Pediatricians said the Supreme Court’s decision to legalize same-sex marriage will have a significantly negative impact on children in the United States.

Dr. Michelle Cretella, president of the College, said:

[T]his is a tragic day for America’s children. The SCOTUS has just undermined the single greatest pro-child institution in the history of mankind: the natural family. Just as it did in the joint Roe v Wade and Doe v Bolton decisions, the SCOTUS has elevated and enshrined the wants of adults over the needs of children.

The College, which has members in 44 states and in several countries outside the U.S., joined in an amici brief in Obergefell v. Hodges, the case that has led to the legalization of same-sex marriage in all 50 states of the nation.

ARTICLE continues


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From Mission America
Linda Harvey, President

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